This thread,
And more specifically this post by sunji
"I've been contemplating doing something similar with Lsystems for some time ( However my brain has never been up to the task. an Lsystem patch could build some pretty neato melodies, I bet."
Has got me thinking about L-systems, and other generative systems. this is probably the best page i've found in relation to the topic, and I would like to know more.
So any links or suggested reading you could provide me with would be pretty excellent.
Also, i see there is a simple example in the GEM documentation.
I can make some sense from this, but not a whole lot.
If i were to replace the gemlist's with floats i might have a system usable with audio though.
So, to reiterate, any links or suggested reading you could provide me with, or examples of l systems or similar used in audio would be pretty awesome.