I use the TUIO patch for Pure Data. I would like to assign 8 different fiducial to each volume fader or clip laucher in Ableton.
I use loopMIDI to connect pure data to abletonTuioDemo.pd
thanks in advance- i cant understand the unpack f f f f f f f
tuio and abelton, send midi
@Wabot03 Pretty sure this is what you need........
We have to use [list split 1] to remove the sessionID because we don't know what it is (we don't know its value)... so we cannot use [route]
It (sessionID) could be ignored using [unpack] but then the rest of the message would need to be repacked in order to re-associate x y r with the objectID......... and that is unnecessary and a pointless exercise.
ok works,
ok midi note ableton 2 ctlout.pd
now i'm trying to connect a fiducial, to an on/off button in ableton -
@Wabot03 You probably need to use the addObject and removeObject messages.
I didn't use them, so I don't know their format.
Please post a print of messages from the first two outlets of [route addObject removeObject updateObject] unless you manage to make the On/off work by using those messages without help.
Hopefully it should be simple.....
David. -
@Wabot03 Probably.........
And then of course the toggles connected to Ableton on/off control for each fiducial if it works correctly.
David. -
can't understand, try to connect ctlout to toggle but dosen't on(off on ableton, triyng with sel 1 sel 0
@Wabot03 What message does Ablteton need (presumably midi) for on/off?
Maybe you just need to connect the toggle to a [* 127] and then to a [ctlout x]
David. -
I'm sorry, ableton recognize the ctlout 1, ctlout2 ... and the toggle is on and off.
But i can't switch on/off the ableton button (for example mute/solo) doesen't change, is still off -
@Wabot03 You probably have to assign a midi control in Ableton to the control you want to turn on/off.