Hi, so I'm somewhat new to PD and I'm trying to make a sequencer for the Befaco Lich. I'm adapting the sequencer used in this video:
What I want is to simply have two sequencers with pre-made sequences that I write in PD, and turning a value knob to switch between the sequences.
I've actually gotten somewhat far but a problem I can't seem to solve is a way to prevent a number box from refreshing my toggles whenever there is any activity, even if the int it's feeding into doesn't change. This is what happens (basically toggle/bang flutters on and off instead of stays at its value for its current position)
I've really gotten stumped here, but once I'm able to switch between patterns in the sequencer then I think I can make the rest. One other thing was for the outputting triggers - when an active step emits a bang, that bang needs to send a burst of CV out the Lich's gate output to make a trigger. Would a burst of white noise work? I realize I have to route it to the hardware but I'm confused what kind of signal I should be making. Thanks for any help that can be provided.