Different methods of using 1unit sample feedback loops
Why are these important , for doing karplus strong , and for FM operator feedback ( where an operator is a phasor~into cos ~)
The only rules are
1-It needs to be in subpatcher
2- an explicit block~ module has to be inserted 'block~1 '
You can achieve 1 unit feedback with delwrite~ and delread~ ( make sure delay time is 0 )
Or you can use a " tabsend~ tabread~" ,or "tabsend~ tabreceive~" when the tabsend~ method is used , it's crucial that an array is created withe same name .
The size of the array doesn't really matter , since only the first sample of the array is used to write into.
Here are some examples of the different methods
Left is the carrier ( phasor~ into cos~) , right is the modulator with self feedback .
I also added phase shift to the modulator to create a perfect trian gle ,which is only possible with operator feedback and phase shift