What would be a Vanilla replacement for [filter~]'s core ?
It doesn't have a help-file, I could only find the source with comments:
/* ---------- filter~ - slow dynamic filter-kernel 1. and 2. order ----------- */
It seems to have some interpolation algorithm to deal with the limited update rate of control-rate-only-inputs.
I don't need this, we can omit that, - just interested in what kind of filter is this?
it has several modes:
lp1, lp2, hp1, hp2,
lp1c, lp2c, hp1c, hp2c,
ap1, ap2, ap1c, ap2c,
bpq2, rbpq2, bsq2,
bpw2, rbpw2, bsw2,
dlp1, dlp2, dhp1, dhp2,
dlp1c, dlp2c, dhp1c, dhp2c,
dap1, dap2, dap1c, dap2c,
dbpq2, drbpq2, dbsq2,
dbpw2, drbpw2, dbsw2
And is used in many of IEMLIB's filters ...
Is this a biquad?