The title pretty much says it all. I have set the pinmode for pins 32-37 to digital out, yet they refuse to output any voltage when I send commands. It works fine for pins 0-7 so I'm kind of baffled. is there a maximum number of output pins with pduino or firmata? Or does anyone know what else could cause this?
Cannot use any digital outputs except 0-7 on Teensy 4.1 with StandardFirmata and Pduino
after further testing.... pins 8-13 also work fine as digital outs. pins 28-37 are the problem pins. they work as digital inputs without issue, but do not work as digital outs. I've also tried it with a second teensy to rule out a bad board... same problem
Are you sure standard firmata works with the Teensy? Because, if I'm not mistaken, it was written for the Arduino and the Teensy has way more pins than the Arduino.
Seems to work in every other way... But maybe this is the issue
I would have figured, though, that they would have written the code in a way that would account for differering amounts of pins. Arduinos dont all have the same number of pins right?
That's true. Maybe this issue is better suited for the Arduino forum. Have your tried using it with Firmata with some other software, live Max, or openFrameworks?