Ah, i realise now this shouldnt be here because its not really a technical issue. But i will add some at the bottom.
My new plans are unveiled!
As if this picture wasn't explanitory enough, I will further use words.
Firstly, this all requires me buying an arduino board, because thats the way i see it working right now.
Essentially i saw that1guy last night, after a good 3 years of missing his shows.
And it helped me put together an idea in my head while i was waiting.
I've wanted to use a ribbon control for a while, but needed arduino, and it was the actual placing of it on an object which confused me.
Search youtube for some live videos too, its quite amazing what he does.
Surprisingly, he doesn't use any computers for his work,(i was talking to him about this after the show, preaching the gospel of PD), he infact uses just effects pedals on the strings, and an old sp808 which all his triggers plug into.
So I plan on taking this to a new level with the help of PD.
The ribbon control will control pitch, increasing the same rate as it would on a guitar.(so each octave is half as long as the previous) While the "rubberyfoam piezo pad" will be struck with a drum stick to trigger velocity of the note.
This will run into whatever synths i have running in pd (i need to work on my synth building)
There will also be some buttons and switches on the end of the broom, for triggering loops and samples, effects, that sort of deal.
And down at the broomier end, some more for swapping instruments, and maybe a few knobs for "filter sweeps"
Now we move onto the bass kick pedal there, i was thinking 2 of them, one for the bass and one for the snare, using two at once seemed like a complicated thing up until i saw that1guy's mastery.
I will probably be adapting a similar system as his here, with a cowbell with a piezodisk attatched, which has its velocity send into pd to trigger a kick or whatever else.
The buttons on the broomotron will probably run through keyboard guts, and therefore through usb.
While everything else that requires a cc or velocity (which in this case still counts as a cc) will be run through an arduino.
Any questions? Suggestions? Offers of free drinks when i get this show on the road?
Synthesis: Because im still running a version of pd on this computer where the help files won't load, ill need some help getting some nice wompy basses.
Using the keyboard aswell: Is it worth it? or will the arduino have enough inputs? (im not sure how many i will want, so lets just say a lot.)