@kobe No.
If the patches are on the same computer running in the same instance of Pd then simple [send !D1] and [receive ID1] will work.
But once a router is involved it needs an IP address and port to know where to send the data.
However, all computers on your network register their names in local dns master browser and the IP address can be looked up......... much like "localhost" is translated to or "Google" when looked up by your browser on a web DNS server is
DNS allows IP addresses to change...... while your "name" search will always land (once theDNS servers are updated).
So you should be able to use [connect raspberrypi3 3000( if your other computers name is raspberrypi3
That computer would then make the connection to a patch...... running on that computer...... running a receiver (like netreceive or udpreceive~) set to port 3000
If none of your computers are running a master browser...... or every computer is not running Apple Bonjour....... then it will probably fail.
If you have a number of patches on that receiving computer then they should use different ports.
So if you want to differentiate receiving patches use different ports...... 3001 3002 etc.
And of course if the patches are the same (abstractions) use a $ argument...... i.e.
[mypatch 3001] and [mypatch 3002] where inside you use [udpreceive~ $1].