Tension is high right now in the US . But I have found, when I am feeling my most-helpless, it is best to try and help someone else.
That being the case...
The following are additional Markdown syntax our forum editor supports that are not in our taskbar.
"May they serve you well"/"For better highway vision".
Markdown Cheat Sheet
Basic Syntax
H1 = # H1
H2 = ## H1
H3 = ### H1
blockquote =
> blockquote
Ordered List
- First item =
1. First item
- Second item =
2. First item
- Third item =
3. First item
Horizontal Rule = ---
Extended Syntax
These elements extend the basic syntax by adding additional features. Not all Markdown applications support these elements.
Tables are made using pipes. Colons can be used to align columns.
table | center | right | left |
value | centered | right-aligned | left--aligned |
value | centered | $12 | $11 |
| table|center|right|left|
| ------------- |:-------------:|-----:|:----|
| value|centered|right-aligned |left--aligned |
| value |centered|$12 |$11 |
Adding spacer columns is good for clarity
TH1 | ----- | TH2 | ----- | TH3 |
col1 | - | col2-value | - | col3-value |
col1 | - | col2 | - | col3 |
| TH1| -----| TH2| ----- |TH3|
| :---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|---:|
| col1 | - | col2-value | - |col3-value|
| col1 | - |col2| - |col3 |
Fenced Code Block
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"age": 25
The world is flat. = ~~The world is flat.~~
Task List
- [x] Write the press release
- [ ] Update the website
- [ ] Contact the media
If you know of others the editor supports, I would love to hear about them (here).
As making our posts easier to understand, even if only visually/style-wise, I think would be a good thing.
p,s, if looks to me like it does not support the github markdown syntax.