Hi folks,
I've just made this little patch ( www.freshmusic.nl/pd/patchvansimon.pd ) and I think I've connected this all well enough to get sound out of PD, but I am not hearing anything! How can I make sure my MIDI is set up properly for PD? In other apps my MIDI works fine.
No sound...
Please anyone!
I've done a zillion things but I can't figure it ou -
For midi setup. You have certainly check Media menu and midi settings ?
You can try to write -listdev %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 in your pd.bat or pd.command. With it you can see a list of your devices audio and midi in your terminal window. A number is affected to a device. If you see your device it's okay. Copy the number for exemple 1
after you can write -midiindev 1 in your pd.bat or pd.command
is it ok ?