So here's where I'm at!
I've seen pure data work with great success rearranging midi notes as a sequencer, but its always timed to a metronome.
I'm hoping to load in ~40 .wav files, each anywhere from 2-4 seconds long (they are clips of short phrases from a speech) so that the patch rearranges them, maybe randomly, and creates a new version of the speech - the hope is that its basically unintelligible, but retains the melody and rhythm of the speaker... but I’m running in to a couple roadblocks.
First - how do I load that many audio files into pd? I’m assuming its going to be with tabread, not readsf…
Second - how do I line them up so that the end of playback of the first file triggers the start of playback of the second, then the third, etc?
It doesn’t matter really the qualities of the sequence, whether it randomizes the files themselves and ends when its over, or just picks randomly and plays back infinitely… I’m not picky!
Any ideas?
PS - all the audio will be cut from the same source, so they’ll all be structurally the same (same sample rate etc), just different lengths. I’m using the basic Pd-0.48-0 on a Mac.