Hi there,
I’m working on a PD project that connects to 8 arduinos using the [arduino] object. It's working fine, the only thing is the serial port number assigned to each arduino changes when I restart the project. I'm wondering if there is a simple way to make this consistent so that i don't have to work out which arduino is which each time I start up the project? I’m using OSX 10.12, pd 0.48.1
many thanks !
arduino consistent serial port number
@schoolshoes If it is possible then it will have to be done by the operating system (OSX). Maybe there is a utility that will help.
In windows the same port is always assigned, and then reserved, for the device. It is fixed by the system based on the serial number of the device.
But the Arduino has no serial number........ https://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/11823/can-i-change-the-usb-device-name-of-arduino ....... and you would probably have to mess with its firmware.
It could be that re-plugging them in the correct order every time will be the only solution.
You might be able to buy / make some hardware to do that......?
David. -
ok thanks for your reply. I found you can also connect to the arduinos by device name, with a message like: [devicename /dev/tty.usbmodem33(
which seems more consistent, some arduinos and devices (like my entec dmx pro) seem to keep the same device name so that’s sort of useful, but some still change each time they are plugged in, so not a perfect solution. As you say will probably have to work this out at the operating system level. Cheers