@AxiomCrux Hi, Thanks for your interest.
Yes, I also use ofxLua so if you tried ofxLua already, it will work identically.
And I added some pd related functions on top of it so users can for example, get/set value of [value] object, send messages to pd's [receive] object or read/write pd's array data using the Lua script. I'm currently trying to find a good way to add inlets/outlets.

At the same time, I'm also working on creating the audio version of this so users can create audio objects(e.g. filters, effects) using Lua but there are still many problems to solve.

Do you have some experience in binding C++ functions for Lua?
I'm using SWIG to bind pd related functions and it works well in general but there are some problems I'm struggling to solve. (e.g. passing lua-table as an argument, binding a C++ function that should return a table)