A creation argument only object driven system for instant music making
Objects so far:
globaltimer - outputs a 10ms bang to drive all objects
globalsync - resets all objects to zero or start
audio~ - dac~ catcher~ for all throws~, output level, mute
Sound Objects
By default sound objects start playing at the bpm of the first argument
basspump - args - bpm note distortion duration
wood - args - bpm note duration
tremsaw - args - bpm note vibrato distortion duration
tremsine - args - bpm note vibrato noise duration
noisy - args - bpm note vcfq duration
Effect Objects
sqr - args - 16 required(0 or 1) bpm (starts playing by default), overides sound objects autoplay, 2 optional args for cursor offset and pitch if font different has 16 outlets to send 0 or 1
echo-delay-bpm args - bpm feedback(0 to 100) level(0 to 100)
echo-delay-ms - args - millisecs feedback(0 to 100) level(0 to 100)
pan-level - args - pan (-100 to 100) level (0 to 100);
start-delay-secs - args - seconds (delays the autostart of the connected object)
start-delay-bpm - args - bpm (delays the autostart of the connected object)
isolator - sits between two sqr's and sends a signal to start/stop the receiving sqr;
seqnotes - four pairs of note & velocity that receive sqr ones to fire a connected sound object