abs_delay_fbw "LIFO(Last-In-First-Out) Delay



This is an idea I have been thinking about for a while and only in the last day or two figured out how to make at least an approximation of what my brain is "telling me".

The idea is really pretty simple, but enormously expandable. And I honestly: I think it's best suited to [clone]. But I don't know enough about that/care to learn enough about that, to implement it that way. So this is just a grunt&chunk version:

10 delwrites each set at incrementally longer lengths, starting at 1000 and incrementing by 100's up to 2000, i.e. 1000, 1100, 1200, etc.

Then and here is were the cool part is

10 vds but scaled in reverse in-out order. So the shortest delwrite has the longest vd.

The effect is the last most thing you play is the first most thing you hear. (note: if this poses a problem while your performing, using your live signal to monitor will take care of that).

It's then scaled by an (admittedly arbitrarily named) "shift" factor which scales the vd line transitions more or less as it is changed. (For viewing purposes, strictly informational and to better guide your settings, the delays times are written to 10 number boxes at the bottom.)

10 feedback controls have also been included because (I think they are way more important than gains which could also have been included, but just seemed to muddy the water too much) so whether you want the "first" or "last" sound to hold or not is available to you.

There are sweet spots, and given how the calculation is done in some cases individual lines will drop out entirely (which actually I think is pretty cool and a nice bit of serendipity). You'll recognize them because there delay times are <0, tho the actual processing of them has been circumvented with [moses 0]'s.

Enjoy. Hope you find it interesting.

(Next week some time, I intend to give it a run for its money, but with my kids now/this weekend, so :-) studio time is out.)

Peace, Love, and Music thru us all,

p.s. this one I will definitely include in the archive/zip/github, but getting it down was more spiritual paramount that that collection.

note: I am aware it has a lot in common and may even be do-able with a spectral delay :---)
Ciao for now.