D10.sampler.notes.pd uses [line~]
is there any way to do the same with phasor~ as in
i'd like to trigger the sample with a midi note.
calculating pitch with phasor based sampler
D10.sampler.notes.pd uses [line~]
is there any way to do the same with phasor~ as in
i'd like to trigger the sample with a midi note.
I guess you can. There are a few things you need to take care of. First of all you must know the size of the table you read from and you must multiply [phasor~]'s output by that amount so that [tabread4~] gets the correct indexes.
Then you should probably have the same [phasor~] control the other two [line~]s (which take input from [r cutoff] and [r envelope]) before you multiply [phasor~]'s output. You'll need to do separate scaling and offset for each of these ramps, but I guess one [phasor~] can control them all.
Make a first attempt and if you can't achieve what you want, come back here and post your patch.
thanks for the reply. i'm still trying to figure out how to get this to work.
how do i get ms time of sample from arraysize? seems like if i can set the chunk size first...
"how do i get ms time of sample from arraysize?"
divide number of samples by sampling rate and multiply by 1000.
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