Is this a good round trip latency test, and should I believe the results I'm getting? Windows 10/64
RTL test.pd
Here is my MOTU ultralight mk4 with its Main L output connected to Mic/Line 1 routed to Computer 1. It's interesting that Pd is set to the lowest delay possible for a 64 sample blocksize, but the measured latency is over 5X that. About 10 years ago, @katjav posted she was getting 1.5X on Linux.
And here is my Yamaha 01v96i with Monitor Out L connected to Channel 11 line in routed to bus 1/USB 1.
Finally, is it true that I could expect these latencies if I were to use Pd as a live signal processor provided my patch doesn't introduce latency normally (e.g. uses overlapped windowing for FFT resynthesis) and that Pd is not falling behind in audio processing?