I have a humongous patch that I won't share (it's too big and complicated and messy and undocumented to mean anything). Last night I was running it for an hour or so (two versions, actually, but all my variables are with $0- so they can go simultaneously) and it eventually reached a point where it would just stop all computation for up to twenty(?) seconds. All audio, all GUI, everything froze. Not my computer, though, definitely just PD. "Audio Error" (or whatever shows up next to the DSP on the main window) would turn red when this would happen.
I'm running Linux, and I was not getting any XRuns (which is another hint that it's just PD that's bogging down, not my whole system).
I know this isn't a lot to go on, but have people seen this before? I have some theories: I have large tables being written to, but even if I close them (to ease up on the GUI), it continues to happen. Another thought - I have lots of counters... a long time ago, I tried to put in some checks where, if they got over a certain range, I'd set them back to zero. If I missed some, could that cause PD to freeze? If I was using a simple counter and it got into the millions/billions? Hmm, a billion milliseconds is almost twelve days...