So I'm finally catching up to the [declare] best practice. (The driver was providing Pd and external binaries to one of my colleagues, to install in the media lab, where I don't really have confidence that the search paths and startup libraries would be set correctly in Preferences -- so, to simplify the installation, I had them only add Pd/externals
as a search path and I will tell the students to use [declare] for all externals. -- I think this is better, FWIW -- I was getting tired of objects not loading because I had forgotten about dependencies.)
But I discover that, in Windows, the help browser doesn't show any help files in subfolders under Pd/externals, and it doesn't show externals that have been declared. (In Linux, subfolders are visible though -- so maybe it's just a Windows bug.)
The help browser is especially useful for Gem and other large external packs, where I might not remember the exact names of objects (and, for that matter, to help browser is really useful for finding objects that you didn't know about).
How to handle this? (Browsing help in the system's file browser isn't an especially lovely solution.)