Just wondering if anyone has been able to control a DMX lamp through an arduino uno? I have been looking at this tutorial
and have it set up the same way but nothing's working. Sorry if this is a silly question, I'm a bit of a pd newbie. Just wondering what I would need to do to make it work? Thanks!-
Is it possible to control a DMX lamp through arduino uno?
Can't watch the video right now cause Youtube is throwing a playback error. I've used an Arduino UNO along with the DMX-master shield and library from Tinkerkit, but I think this shield is not being produced any more... This is their google code page https://code.google.com/archive/p/tinkerit/wikis/DmxSimple.wiki it's for the DMX-simple, but it's pretty similar to the master.
You can make a DMX circuit with the max-something IC, but can't remember right now.
What are the issues you're facing? -
@pdunicorn It's a Max-485 or RS-485 chip.
But ready made shields are available from £2.99 on ebay....... or more £ with XLR connectors.
"Arduino DMX shield" as a search will find you what you need....
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MAX485-RS-485-Module-converter-For-Arduino-DMX-breadboard-UK-stock-/191633874576?hash=item2c9e44de90:g:ovAAAOSw1vlUrdN6 although this one needs to sit on a wide breadboard.
David. -
Thanks for the responses. I am about to buy this http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/processor-microcontroller-development-kits/7798870/ as I feel that would be best, thanks for the advice @whale-av. And @alexandros, the issues I am facing is what I would need to put into the actual patch once I have the shield up and running. I know I need to use the [comport] object but not sure what else. Any help or examples would be fantastic! Thanks for all the help so far guys.
From DmxMaster library SerialToDmx example:
#include <DmxMaster.h> void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("SerialToDmx ready"); Serial.println(); Serial.println("Syntax:"); Serial.println(" 123c : use DMX channel 123"); Serial.println(" 45w : set current channel to value 45"); } int value = 0; int channel; void loop() { int c; while(!Serial.available()); c = Serial.read(); if ((c>='0') && (c<='9')) { value = 10*value + c - '0'; } else { if (c=='c') channel = value; else if (c=='w') { DmxMaster.write(channel, value); Serial.println(); } value = 0; } }
In Pd send the message
"print 1c255w"
to [comport] to write the value 255 to DMX channel 1. That should work.