How do you plan to do it? With an Arduino? If so, you'll need [comport]. Servos take bytes iirc, so you'll need to convert your number ranges to that of one byte (0-255) and send it to [comport] (make sure you convert them to ints with [i ] before you send them to [comport]).
If you have multiple servos you want to control, you'll need to separate them in your code. What I do in Arduino is use letters to separate the values. So the code is something like this:
static int temp_val;
byte in_byte =;
if((in_byte >= '0') && (in_byte <= '9'))
temp_val = temp_val * 10 + in_byte - '0';
else if((in_byte >= 'a') && (in_byte <= 'z')){
int which_servo = in_byte - 'a';
analogWrite(servo_pins[which_servo], temp_val);
temp_val = 0;
Put the code above in your loop() function.
Of course you need to define an array with the pins of the servo motors (here it's called "servo_pins") for this code to work.
Then in Pd I send messages of the type "print $1a" for the first servo, "print $1b" for the second, etc.
Hope this helps.