• zhy19861106

    hi all,
    I am a new pd user.Now I am writing my eassy about the Chinese old disc restoration .
    I found that the speed of some disc which sampling in my computer are sometime fast or slow.I don`t think there is any way to solve this problem in nuendo ,pt .
    some recordis asked me that I should record it into a tape recorder and use it to rectify.
    But Can i use pd to control the speed of playback?I think it is easier than using tape recorder


    posted in patch~ read more
  • zhy19861106

    @ultrasonic said:

    @arif said:

    anyone have any good ideas though?

    I can see how Kinect is important in the visual world, for 3D graphics e.t.c. but can't think of any uses for sound applications, other than what could already be done with 2 2D webcams.

    The thing seems to have a capable processor that does a lot of shape etc recognition that one would spend 50% of CPU and 2 months of coding :-) Application wise there are no advantages over what we know already - I believe.
    Did you google for loads of demos on vimeo (I think)? Have a look...


    haha nice 2 meet u here. there is no vimeo no youtube in CHINA~

    posted in technical issues read more
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