• zepadovani

    just updated 'planifolia', abstractions-only library, with some bugfixes and new objects (osc things, get nearest value in a list, etc).

    https://github.com/zepadovani/planifolia (it's also in deken)

    This is a abstraction-only library without dependencies designed to be used in vanilla or almost vanilla (plugdata) versions of PD, aiming to be as portable as possible. Complete list of objects and functionalities are in github, in english and portuguese.

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  • zepadovani

    Simple patch to record and playback continuous control events, such as sliders. Not using [list store] pon purpose to make it easier to use with hvcc.

    Everything is in a single patch to make it easier to understand, create an abstract if you need!


    posted in patch~ read more
  • zepadovani


    Using ASIO::ASIO4ALL in the QJackCTL>Parameters>Interface, I had to check "Use server in synchronous mode". Started the Jack Server,

    Then, started PD and could find the device there!

    Probably it should work with any ASIO device (in Jack2 parameters).

    And, as probably you know, I can change the number of inputs/outputs editing the configuration file in Program Files>JACK2>jack-router>[win64 and/or win32]>JackRouter,ini


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  • zepadovani


    I primarily use Manjaro and macOS, but since my students typically have Windows machines, I'd like to introduce them to PD + Jack. Therefore, I attempted to install Jack and PD 0.53-2 on a Windows 11 machine with an updated OS.

    While I can select ASIO:JackRouter from Reaper, I'm unable to locate the ASIO:JackRouter device in Pd. Is there a known solution for this issue? Does anyone have a setup recipe that I could try? I've noticed in older posts that people were able to locate the device in PD, and I'm unsure if I'm making a mistake or if it's a version-specific problem with either Windows, JACK2, or PD.

    Any hints are appreciated!


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  • zepadovani

    Oh! thanks! I forgot to post the link here! (:

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  • zepadovani


    I have just released in github and deken the abstraction pack 'planifolia' (v.0.1).

    Planifolia (from the second name of the orchid 'Vanilla planifolia') is a set of Pure Data abstractions designed to work without any compiled externals.

    The abstractions implement a series of useful operations like arbitrary unary and binary operations in lists and arrays, quicksort, logical operators to check equality of arbitrary datatypes, easy OSC formatting/routing, etc. It also comes with toggle-based matrix GUI (designed to work be compatible with iemmatrix objects) and a matrix based step sequencer with some non usual features (independent tempo, beat and duration patterns, col/row/colrow modes, nice colors, etc).

    Some bugs may still be there... ;)


    abstraction description
    [any.==] compares datatypes
    [array.binop] binary operations in arrays
    [array.rand] random populates an arrays
    [array.unop] unary operations in arrays
    [ls.binop] binary operations in list
    [ls.butlast] list but the last element
    [ls.choose] random choose an element of the list
    [ls.getRotate] N rotated element of a list
    [ls.group] groups elements into a list
    [ls.iter] list iteration
    [ls.last] last element of the list
    [ls.max] greatest element of a list
    [ls.mean] mean of the floats in a list
    [ls.min] minimum element in a list
    [ls.mode] mode of a list
    [ls.quicksort] quicksort algorithm implemented as a vanilla abstraction
    [ls.removeAt] removes element at index
    [ls.rotate] N rotation of a list
    [ls.scramble] randomize elements in a list
    [ls.ser.arithm] build an artithmetic series list
    [ls.splice] replaces element in a list with anothe list
    [ls.unop] perform unary operation in elements of a list
    [mtxgui] vanilla matrix interface
    [mtxstep] vanilla step sequencer with some non usual features
    [slash.oscformat] tool to format OSC messages
    [slash.oscroute] tool to route OSC messages
    [symbol.==] test if two symbols are equal
    [symbol.split] splits a symbol according to a char

    Brazilian percussion samples were gently provided by Chico Correa youtube: /c/ChicoCorrea

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  • zepadovani

    very nice Gilberto!
    have just compiled it in OSX, mavericks... it seems to be working well! please tell me if you want the binaries (your provided binaries don't run on mavericks).

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