Then you might try finding the tempo related [metro] objects in your different patches and replace them with a [receive tempo]. Then have a single metro in a new patch that can control all of patches with a [send tempo].
You could replace all the [ dac~ ] with [send~ somepatchnameleft] in each patch and add a bunch of [ receive~ somepat....] to your new patch and feed a single [dac~]. Replace adc~ with a receive~ and you can feed one patch into another.
Thanks Eeight. That looks like a good work around for my situtation.
Does anyone know how midi works with pd~ instances?
The start message doesn't like it when I was in pass in alsamidi arguments and prints the pd help information on the console.
I want to have the pd~ create a separate alsa midi input from the main patch but I not sure how to do that.
In case anyone else has this problem, I found I had to use the -noprefs option on the command line.
I am running Debian on an RPi 3. I have jackd started as a service using systemd and it works nicely. Jackd runs under a regular user and has RT priority and Memlock permissions set.
I am trying to start pd as a service too. However it cannot connect to the running jackd service. If I call "sudo systemctl start pd" and then check the status with "sudo systemctl status pd" it shows the the pd process couldn't find the jack server. However if I run pd from the command line it can connect to jack. The systemd service file for pd has the same user, priority and memory limits as the jackd service.
Is there anything that stops pd running as a systemd service? Any ideas?
Sorry for the misinformation, I always assumed that MPE was just polyaftertouch.
There is a polytouchin object that should give you polyphonic aftertouch messages from midi. I've not used though.
Has anyone got freqshift~ from sigpack to work?
The version I am testing ( pd-extended 0.43.4 on Windows 7 32bit) just outputs a high pitch squeel regardless of the inputs.