• walt

    So I got a wild idea to try and do some of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, but in PD rather than scheme. At "1.3.1 - Procedures as Arguments", there's a bit of code that goes

    (define (sum-integers a b)
      (if (> a b)
          (+ a (sum-integers (+ a 1) b))))

    that sums integers a thru b. I tried to make a patch that does this, it is attached. I was super stoked, and think it is correct, but PD won't run it, says "can't load abstraction within itself".

    That's sad to me. I'm reading some stuff about distributed and parallel algorithms, and could really see myself reading a lot about that stuff and really getting into it. I'd really like to see it allow subpatches and custom objects to contain instances of themselves.

    I just saw this patch 50.somethingsomething.pd in the extended release that creates a clone of itself! wicked.

    now that I'm looking at that sumints patch more I think its kinda wrong... oh well. more staring and thinking.

    Any thoughts on these issues would be much appreciated. Haven't posted in a while, good to look around once more! -walt


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  • walt

    you might also be interested in a piece of software called 'fluxus', as it may meet your needs: http://www.pawfal.org/fluxus/ - and it just happens to be cross platform. (I think vvvv is windows only?).

    I'm currently working on a processing/pd project for school, and its totally possible (with extra libraries to be had for BOTH pieces of software) to get them talking through OSC; you may be able to pull off all the algorithmic control you like from within processing, though. PD is good particularly if you want to work with synthesis/sampling/midi, OR you want reactivity based on mic input! I'm actually also using GEM for webcam motion detection, but you may be able to handle something like that within processing, with openCV maybe?

    PD for reactivity, fluxus for live 3d video maybe? dunno, its so hard to choose, eventually you just have to choose and dive in!

    boa sorte,

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