• vlaflip

    Thanks for your quick response. I installed the beta and there is just a slight improvement. It crashes on movement. I think I will have to delve a bit deeper into pd and system resources and maybe add some memory? Just have to be a bit more patient I think. In all my enthusiasm for wanting to work with pd and see what the possibilities are I want results to fast.
    Thanks again and I hope I can share some work next months.

    posted in tutorials read more
  • vlaflip

    I have followed all the instructions but PD crashes on launching pix_mano-help.pd.
    For a brief moment I see GEM tracing my webcam (ms LifeCam NX-6000) than PD crashes and sometimes I get a MS warning "poor system performance".

    Thanks in advance for helping a newbie PD enthusiast

    posted in tutorials read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!