• Vascoalvo

    Hi guys, I'm new to PD and been trying to start this project but can't find enough info to kick it off...

    I've got a solo musical project with with Im about to do some live gigs. The sounds is very minimal and all analogue and therefore I thought it would be great to add some live visuals.

    The idea is to create some sort of self generated visuals in sync with the sound piece that I will be playing with my gear. So basically I think I need to convert the Audio Input into numbers and then into visuals...is this right?

    Is there any patch that does this that I could have a look at or that I could use as something to start with?

    What do you think it would be the best way to just get a graphic moving along / being controlled by the input audio? As long as I get that bridge sorted I think it would be easier to shape the visuals into something I'm happy with.

    Thanks in advance!

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