anyone use pd on Mandriva 2008 Spring?
I'm not able to run pd on this O.S.
I've downloaded "pd-0.41-0.src.tar.gz" and I've installed it succesfully on Mandriva Free 2008 Spring
(using ./configure, make, make install).
But when I load "pure data" from a root terminal, it go in loop with message:error while loading shared libraries: libtk8.5.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
priority 98 scheduling enabled.
priority 96 scheduling enabled.
watchdog: signaling pd...
watchdog: signaling pd...
watchdog: signaling pd...
watchdog: signaling pd...
______________________The latest Tcl/Tk libraries are installed.
How i can solve this problem?Thanks,
is there a way to load an image file (.jpg or .bmp), "scan" it, with a defined velocity, so to convert a picture in numbers (practically to take the coordinates in number boxes)?The image could have a black background (ignored by scan process), and lines or points drawed in white (but also in other colours..).
Then I would use the numbers taken from those white sketches (lines, points, rectangles, etc.) as frequencies, so that a curved line is converted in a "glissando", a point in a "pluck", a rectangle in a "cluster", etc.Is there a patch about this?
Any suggestions?Thank's,
t. -
I would sum the numbers taken from some [number boxes], using [sum] object (zexy).
How can I complete this simple patch?
(number boxes could be more than two)numbers generated simultaneously with a definited metro
| /
| /
[7] [4]
| /
| /
[pack f f]
[ ?? ]
[11] -
I have a problem:There are two [number box], that output random numbers simultaneously, with a metro of 1000.
There is a [counter] in a range 1-5 with the same metro:
it count 1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,4,5,1,2...etc.Now, in an other [number box] I would take:
the number from the first [number box], if counter is 1;
the number from second [number box], if counter is 2,3,4,5
any suggestion?
t. -
how is possible to implement in a patch an iterative algorithm, similar at the "do-while" loop?For example:
generate the Fibonacci Numbers.
The algorithm is this:
F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2) n>=3Output: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,....
is sent in a number box, with a metro.
I would choose when must stop the cycle.Any suggestions?
Other examples of recursive algorithms in pd?
t. -
how can I write in a .txt file the numbers taken from a number box (for example scrolling with mouse)?I'm not able to complete this patch:
| [write C:/myfile.txt(
| /
| /
| /
[print list]Thank's!
Thank's, with 2 boxes is good, but I have more than 10 number boxes to sum, and so I have not succeeded..
For this I was looking to transform the numbers in a list and put it in [sum], is not a good way?t
@obiwannabe said:Use [+] instead and forget about [sum].
Also your evaluation order is ill defined in that patch, try this instead:
numbers generated simultaneously with a definited metro
| |
| |
[7] [4]
\ |
\ [t b f ]
\ / |
\ / |
[+ ]
[11] -
Now, the obiect [add2 $1( or [add $1( works very well to write in a .txt file.
My answer now is this:
Is possible, after that I wrote a flow of numbers in a single column in a .txt file, write a second column,in the same file, near the first, from an other flow of numbers?
Is possible to write a flow of numbers in a .txt file (organised in rows) and decide that after 12 elements begin again in an other row? So to have at last a sequence of rows constituted by 12 elements?
t -