• tobix10

    I am trying to create simple ambisonics file using encoder from HOA library. Below is my patch, am I doing it right?
    I am not sure about channels order. Does this encoder outputs only WYX (in this order), because Z = 0 (elevation=0)?


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  • tobix10

    Thought that for standard path it's not necessary.
    Now works, thanks.

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  • tobix10

    I've copied right version of hoa.library.pd_linux and c.library.pd_linux from externals (Linux 64) to main dir. Copied both folders to /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra because there are my packages and add -lib hoa.library -lib c.library to startup preferences.
    On startup I get:
    c.library: can't load c.library
    hoa.library: can't load hoa.library

    or one is loading and other not. What am I doing wrong?

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  • tobix10

    Thanks a lot, this is a great example. It's give me idea about a few things I was wondering how to do.

    Really thanks to @gsagostinho and @rjp9, now I think I'll be able to complete my patch.

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  • tobix10

    I have had loading already in a patch, forgot to bang tabplay.
    This is what I get so far
    but can I do this without looping (e.g after clicking switch_pair stop all sounds and start only 2 of them)? What flaws has looping approach? Could it make some lags or increase cpu usage?

    With [earplug~] it was my mistake, I understand that now.

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  • tobix10

    This really helps, but i need arrays. There is a problem [tabread~] seems to not work with [multiplex~].
    Sound files are loaded I've checked that. Does [tabread~] read all array? I've tried to connect it to [tabplay~], but nothing happened.

    First multiplexer is left channel, second is right channel I will need to put both channels in new array to get 2-channel wav and send it to [tabplay~] and pass to [earplug~]. So there is 2nd question how to connect two single channel sources into one double channel output.

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  • tobix10

    I need something that loads 16 wavs (1-channel) and connect them in pairs and outputs a 2-channel audio. I want to choose (switch) which pair is going to output.
    Is there a pd for the switching part? If not how I can do that?

    How to load wavs into array, because I found how to loop sound with open and bang but I think it is not necessary to open file again.

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