• tiemget

    But the message I want to bang is a contant so i would have to open the spigot, i thought of something like this but i don't think it quite works.
    Capture d’écran 2020-10-06 à 00.35.40.png

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  • tiemget

    I am reciving a 1 or 0 from a sensor, ç
    Its constantly comparing the value to trigger a message when the sensor is activated and sends a 1

    I don't want the system to bang the message continuosly, so im wondering how can i open and close the
    send of the message using a spigot that closes and opens depending if the values have changed.

    any idea on how to proceed?

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  • tiemget

    @nicnut said:

    I don't know if this helps, but sometimes the audio output level will make the audio sound bad. I have a RPi 4 and I am using a soundcard with a seperate audio output volume knob. And I use the alsamixer.

    At first I turned everything up as much as possible. It sounded terrible and sometimes no audio came out. Now I have alsa mixer at about 60% and my soundcard at 80%. I control the volume from my amp and faders in Pd. It sounds way better.

    If you are using the 8th inch jack out of the Pi something related to this could be an issue.

    @EEight said:

    @nicnut A dedicated soundcard is the way to go AFAIK. Also using jack and controlling the buffer (if you don't need low latency then use a big buffer like 1024).

    I plugged in a USB audio dongle, and it seemed to stop the crackling but I still get the following audio dropouts

    more info on how to set up jack or alsa would be appreciated

    [4] error: audio I/O dropout
    loading cached help index from ~/.purr-data/search.index
    finished loading help index (0.20 secs)
    [4] error: audio I/O dropout

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  • tiemget

    @EEight said:

    @tiemget How to you launch pd? ie: pd -rt -jack -channels 2... or maybe you are using alsa?

    Oh okay I got you now, i'm starting pd from the raspberry menu, do you suggest me to launch like that?

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  • tiemget

    @EEight said:

    @tiemget How do you start pd (show us the command line)

    Welcome to Purr Data
    nw.js version 0.24.5
    Pd has started the GUI
    canvasinfo: v0.1
    stable canvasinfo methods: args dir dirty editmode vis
    classinfo: v.0.1
    stable classinfo methods: size
    objectinfo: v.0.1
    stable objectinfo methods: class
    pdinfo: v.0.1
    stable pdinfo methods: dir dsp version
    [import] $Revision: 1.2 $
        [import] is still in development, the interface could change!
        compiled against Pd-l2ork version 2.14.2 (20200922-rev.c4495143)
    PD_FLOATSIZE = 32 bits
    working directory is /home/pi
    libdir loader 1.10
        compiled on Sep 22 2020 at 18:05:09 
        compiled against Pd version 0.48.0.
    libdir_loader: added 'Gem' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'cyclone' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'zexy' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'creb' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'cxc' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'iemlib' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'mapping' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'markex' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'maxlib' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'memento' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'mjlib' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'motex' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'oscx' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'pddp' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'pdogg' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'pixeltango' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'rradical' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'sigpack' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'smlib' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'unauthorized' to the global objectclass path
    vbap - v1.1 - 14 Aug. 2014 - (c) Ville Pulkki 1999-2006 (Pd port by HCS)
    libdir_loader: added 'pan' to the global objectclass path
    freeverb~ v1.2
    libdir_loader: added 'hcs' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'jmmmp' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'ext13' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'ggee' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'ekext' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'disis' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'lyonpotpourri' to the global objectclass path
    pdlua 0.10.1 (GPL) 2014-2020 Martin Peach et al., based on
    lua 0.6~svn (GPL) 2008 Claude Heiland-Allen <claude@mathr.co.uk>
    pdlua: compiled for pd-0.48 on Sep 22 2020 18:05:09
    Using lua version 5.3
    pdlua: using JavaScript interface (Pd-l2ork nw.js version)
    error: audio I/O stuck... closing audio

    There you go.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • tiemget

    I'm running a Raspberry Pi 4 with "Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) Lite [August 2020 / 2020-08-20 / Kernel 5.4]" headless and the latest version of Purr-Data, set up the Raspberry using this guide , did the Alsa no audio (glitch) issue Pi 4

    fix to get audio working through the 3.5 mm jack.

    I'm interfacing the Raspberry Pi through the macOS terminal and with VNC Viewer through ethernet.

    I get the following error as soon a starting Purr-Data,

    error: audio I/O stuck... closing audio 

    I open up a patch and turn off and turn on the DSP signals and get the following error

    error: audio I/O stuck... closing audio error: audio I/O dropout 

    Even though if I play sample .wav or bang a sinewave, the audio does get played but it gets glitchy as in the audio sound is crackled.

    has anyone experienced it before? any knowledge on how to overcome it?

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!