I also posted this in the I/O forum, because I wasn't sure if it belonged here or there.
I am considering getting a Gakken SX150 ( http://www.makershed.com/ProductDetails … Code=MKGK8 ), and want to make it into a MIDI controller. However, I do not have much money and would not like to spend money on hardware mods. I came across this program ( http://cmpercussion.blogspot.com/2008/0 … in-pd.html ) for use with Theremins, when I was researching Theremins, and was wondering if it could be used with a Gakken SX150. Would I need to keep it on a clean tone? If I needed to modify this program, how extensively and how much knowledge of pd would I need? And finally, would it still work if I decided to add a ribbon controller to the Gakken, like this http://www.coagula.org/content/pages/ga … r-tutorial ?
I am considering getting a Gakken SX150 ( http://www.makershed.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=MKGK8 ), and want to make it into a MIDI controller. However, I do not have much money and would not like to spend money on hardware mods. I came across this program ( http://cmpercussion.blogspot.com/2008/08/theremin-to-midi-control-program-in-pd.html ) for use with Theremins, when I was researching Theremins, and was wondering if it could be used with a Gakken SX150. Would I need to keep it on a clean tone? If I needed to modify this program, how extensively and how much knowledge of pd would I need? And finally, would it still work if I decided to add a ribbon controller to the Gakken, like this http://www.coagula.org/content/pages/gakken-sx-150-hacking-controller-tutorial ?
I have seen that article, but there are a few concerns I have. Firstly, I am looking to use a Gakken as a controller, not have it be controlled. Secondly, I want to stay away from hardware mods because I am broke. Also, to clarify, I do not own a theremin. I was interested in one at one point, when I found the pd program I posted, which can convert the audio in signal of the Theremin into MIDI, no hardware modification needed. I was wondering if I could modify it to work with the Gakken.