• swamptooth

    Hi everybody... new here. used to program in max about 20 years ago, so this is familiar but newish.

    i am reading a text file with note information, and it's basically set up like this...
    note number, repetitions, note lengrth, velocity

    for testing purposes i have a fixed metronome running at 1000 ms to read the file and the note length is 1000/repetitions.

    the numbers are feeding into a makenote object and noteout that are running into my sequencer. what i'm trying to do is make n number of notes (the value for repetitions) of x length (the value for note length) at the pitch corresponding to note number.

    i've tried iterations and combinations of until and a secondary metronome based on note length, but nothing is quite working.

    any ideas?? thanks!

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  • swamptooth

    hey flipp, can you explain the idea of starting variable names with $0? this is something i'm having a bit of trouble digging up.

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  • swamptooth

    thanks flipp. i've only been doing this for a couple of days now so i appreciate the feedback. the earlier problem i was running into was that every new line of the table was causing duplicate midi notes to be sent to sonar about a couple of milliseconds apart or the next note to appear in the last position of the previous sequence - eg note a#4 repeat value 4 would generate 3 a# notes then a b as the 4th note followed by note b's repetitions.

    i tried the +1 and sel to get the notes in sequence, but it seemed to take multiple calculations to achieve the same result. in the screenshot i posted, i think you can see that the resulting output in the sonar staff view represents perfect triplets and 16ths, and 8th notes. i'll post this version and a previous iteration that wasn't really too keen on being helpful when i do a bit more testing.

    cheers. :D

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  • swamptooth

    this is basically what i came up with that works now. any thoughts or suggestions on easier ways to accomplish this??


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