• Stirling91

    Hello there,

    I am new to this forum and hoping to receive a little guidance with my issue. So i have built the Spikenzie Labs Drum kit kit AI with 6 piezos for input. That works nicely with the serial to MIDI converter and i have seamlessly got it connect to any desired music software via the IAC driver in the audio midi setup on my Macbook Pro. The issue i am having is that i want each single drum pad (6 in total) to control seperate chanels within Logic Pro. So for example, the drum kit will control 6 software synths as well as drum samples (which will be loaded into the patch as .wav files) generatively.

    I have looked into the [poly] function but im not sure if this is the correct tool to seperate the pads to control the seperate channels in Logic. And could this be an issue within Logic Pro? I wil attach my current patch, a simple midi out which takes the values (60 - 65) from the drum pads and selects them according to their number, resulting in a bang. Each bang effects a few simple chords which run into my DAW.

    This is a final university project so any help would be greatly appreciated!




    posted in I/O hardware diyread more
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