• stephen


    i'm using IAC bus 1 to send midi between live 6 and pd, on mac OS10.3.9.
    Does anyone know how to get midi clock into pd in this situation? There
    doesn't seem to be a [clockin] object of such, and there's no rewire in
    pd, right?

    One way i've kind of botched it together is by having ableton play a 1
    bar loop consiting of alternating middle Cs (note 60) and C#s (note 61),
    then using [timer] to measure the time between these two notes, and
    using that to set the speed of [metro].

    one problem i've found is that, all other things being equal, at 120bpm,
    the [timer] object should measure 500ms, right? but it doesn't, it jumps
    around between about 490 and 510. anyone know why this is? i tried
    using [realtime] instead of [timer], but it was the same (ish). anyone
    know a better/more elegant way of getting tempo?



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  • stephen

    thanks! don't have time to play properly now, but i was trying to do a similar thing in max. this is a big help.

    posted in patch~ read more
  • stephen

    yeah, you're right again - sorry. [midiin] does work on OSX. but i DO get a message: "error: midiin: works under Linux only
    ... you might be able to track this down from the Find menu." and then it works anyway. wierd.

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  • stephen

    my bad, sorry, i meant [midiclkin]. though like i say, i7ve never used it - i don't know what it's like. digging around for it, i realised i heard abuot it from a post of yours, boonier :)

    edit: hmmm... it doen't seem to do anything - i created it, and connected its outlet to [print] and pressed play in ableton, but nothing got printed to the terminal. the IAC ports are set ok in pd and ableton's prefs, afaik.

    obiwannabe - i don't think [midiin] works under OSX - when i create it i get "error: linux only" in the terminal.

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  • stephen

    i've never used it, but there is a [clkin] object, right?

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  • stephen

    your're only using a lemur, right? i've never used one (or even seen one), but i've got the 40h-help patch working with my 40h. the OSC objects are a bit flaky - you need to use different ports for [sendOSC] and [dumpOSC], and sometimes the objects don't create properly - for some reason, if you open a saved patch, they don't always create, but they do create manually. so i usually create a new document, and manually add the OSC objects, then open the 40h patches.

    hope this helps. i'm a proper pd beginner - this is about all i know

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