• stellar

    hi guys,
    i guess this is pretty basic but im trying to build a sampler that allows me to load and have basic control (i.e. volume, start & end points and pitch) of a sample or mic input & also to effect it in someway weather it be delay, reverb, timestrectching, etc.

    where should i start bearing i mind i hav limited experience with pd? also are there any decent examples of existing patches that would be worth a look?


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  • stellar

    hi, everyone im a complete newcomer as far as pd is concerned and i could really do with some help and advice.

    Im currently studying a module that requires me to, "Create a user-controller audio processing programme which processes a sound file
    in real time. This programme should demonstrate one or more established audio
    processing technique (e.g. reverb, phase vocoder, etc.)

    Now im sure something like this would be basic for most of you guys but we all have to start somewhere and to be honest im pretty daunted by the prospect of building this thing!

    I just wandered if anyone could give me any advice or links to patches that i could incorporate to make the whole process a little less scary

    Any responses or suggestions are greatfully recieved


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  • stellar

    yeh i think its not gonna be a sampler in a classical sense i agree that would be alot more complicated, ive got to the point where i can load up my wav. now i want to be able to loop it which ive tried via metro~ with the sample length in msec. im sure theres an easier way to do this or at least a way of reading and outputting the length of a loaded sample in msec because before i just inputted it which is obviously unpractical if loading different length sounds.

    Thanks for your responses guys

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