Hi im building a delay patch with a few adjustable delays so that it can emulate the old tape heads and can be put slightly out of time but i was wondering how do I get a low pass filter's cut off to sweep down at the same rate as my feedbacks? So as the signal is fedback into the delay the top frequencies are rolled off.

    Any help would be much appreciated


    posted in technical issues read more
  • STD

    I just came on to say I've worked out a way using env~ cheers, It's kind of clunky the way I'm doing it I should come up with some better maths but for now I have

    The signal from the feedback loop going into the left input of lop~
    and another feed to an env~ where by it is * by itself and then into the right inlet cutoff lop~
    This seems to be working nicely
    I'll post the patch if anyone wants but it's not much further than the last post heh.

    Cheers for the responses :D

    posted in technical issues read more
  • STD

    Thanks for the inverting signal information that is going to be useful. I was hoping to have the cut off to a lop~ reduce as the signal in my feedback decays is there any way I could do that?

    Thanks for the responses

    posted in technical issues read more
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