• stalinesque

    Is it possible to send MIDI out info to two different devices, via two different ports? I've got two different pieces of hardware I'd like to control via PD in the same patch...

    posted in technical issues 12 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    Using a qlist text file, how can I send data to several inlets as one event. for example, by using one click of the 'next' function, how could send data to inlet1, inlet2, inlet3 ?

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    I'm dissecting a patch using fourier analysis and have discovered the tabreceive function. according to the help file for this object, the object serves to "read a block of a signal from an array continuously." i don't really understand what this means. Specifically in this patch, there is an array in which one can draw a filter (the x axis is frequency and the y axis is amplitude). It is this array that is accessed with the tabreceive object. What i don't understand is how what information is being output and how is it organized ?

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    Is there an object that functions like [samphold~] but will pass messages instead of an audio signal? In other words, data is passed from left input to output whenever a control signal reaches 0.

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    is there a way to resize arrays using message boxes as opposed to control-clicking or right-clicking the array and looking at its properties?

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    Is there any way to send information/data between PD and Processing?

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    is there an object or perhaps some techniques for generating random numbers within a specific range?

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    Suddenly PD outputs no audio. I've checked the audio settings in the preferences menu and the audio settings for my computer (MAC OS). When the patch is running, I can see that PD is in fact handling audio (by attaching an [env~] to an audio signal). I have audio in other applications. I have been using JACK to connect PD to Logic. Now, when I set PD to send audio to JACK, JACK does not even acknowledge that PD is running. It was all working fine just a few days ago. WTF?

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    I am trying to control the timing of a message being sent to a tabplay~. the message is a [set( message. is there an object that will store this and output it via bang in the same way [float] does for numbers? I've tried using [symbol] but it seems not to work.

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    how can i get pd to recognize multiple notes played on my midi keyboard. like performing the function of notein, but if i play three notes, it will display the three notes.

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    on all of the time-measuring ojbects - [timer] [cputime] [realtime] - the help files all explicitly state that these objects cannot be stopped and then resume at the same point. is there an object that can in fact do this? for example, start timing, stop at 2500 milliseconds, then start timing again at 2500 seconds.

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    is it possible to send an image or movie to a single face of a cube in gem?

    posted in pixel# 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    is it possible to send images or movies to a single face of a cube in gem?

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    I am using pix_blob with with pix_film. according to the help file, pix_blob outputs x and y coordinates of the 'center of gravity' through the second and third outputs, respectively. I've tried several movies, using all of pix_blobs' channel selections (Gray, R,G,B,A) but have not seen either of these outputs reach above 0.5. What exactly do these numbers represent? Is it the scaled range of the window (i.e. 0 is the far left/top and 1 is the far right/bottom)?

    Also, whenever I set the blob analysis channel to alpha, output freezes at max values. What's up with this thing yo?

    posted in pixel# 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    in pd's menu bar, under media, there is an option called 'jack'. what does this option do? whenever i select it, pd crashes.

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    i can get the [pix_alpha] object to work correctly with still photos, but not movies (i'm trying to use .mov files). A lot of other pix_ objects work both ways, but I can't get this one to. Is there another object or technique perhaps that will achieve the effect for video?

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    i can't seem to get pix_alpha to work with a .mov file. does this object in fact not work with movies? if so, is there a way to achieve it's functions with a movie?

    posted in pixel# 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    Is there any way to send the video I'm generating in the gem window to another program. For example, could I send my gem video to a program like iMovie where it was perhaps treated like a webcam and thus recorded.

    posted in pixel# 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    I'm trying to record a video, sending a [pix_film] to [pix_record], and am encountering many problems. I've been trying many different codecs found by sending a [codeclist( message to [pix_record]. I am trying to record quick cuts between different videos (between 6-12 frames per cut at 24fps). I've tried the following codecs: Component Video, Motion JPEG A, h264 as well as a few others. In every case, one of two things happens:

    1. PD crashes
    2. The resultant video plays through the first 1 or 2 frames and then the image freezes (though the file is still 'playing').

    What do I need to do to record these quick cuts and keep pd from crashing?

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • stalinesque

    I'm trying to record a video, sending a [pix_film] to [pix_record], and am encountering many problems. I've been trying many different codecs found by sending a [codeclist( message to [pix_record]. I am trying to record quick cuts between different videos (between 6-12 frames per cut at 24fps). I've tried the following codecs: Component Video, Motion JPEG A, h264 as well as a few others. In every case, one of two things happens:

    1. PD crashes
    2. The resultant video play through the first 1 or 2 frames and then the image freezes (though the file is still 'playing').

    What do I need to do to record these quick cuts and keep pd from crashing?

    posted in pixel# 15 years agoread more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!