• spearman

    Yes that works. Sorry to ask such a basic question, I am new to PD. Tried asking in the IRC channel but it was pretty quiet in there.

    (Also, is the forum 'search' function broken for everyone or just me?)

    posted in technical issues read more
  • spearman

    I'm creating a patch that uses an h_map object. I noticed that if I open my patch or try to create an h_map without first looking at the help-file for PDContainers the object fails to create (shows as a red-dashed outline and the console complains "... couldn't create"). Once I have opened the PDContainers help-file, I can re-open my patches that use h_map (or create a new h_map) and the object initializes successfully.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • spearman

    Perfect, thank you!

    posted in technical issues read more
  • spearman

    Is there a way to allow other processes to output audio while pd-extended is running? I don't seem to have the problem running vanilla pure data, just pd-extended. I wanted to work on a patch that uses extended objects (eg l2s) but the part I'm working on doesn't have any audio involved so I was planning on listening to the radio in my Deadbeef player, but pd-extended seems to kill the audio for all other applications. DSP is off and I've tried disabling Input/Output for the selected audio device but nothing has worked so far.

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!