• skrame

    Hey all,

    Very basic question, I'm sure. I am trying to track the amplitude of an incoming signal using [sigmund~]. I'd like to measure time between attack and release, and also measure time between release and the next attack. Hopefully will use live input evenutally, but I''ve just set it up with a phasor~ for now. Problem is that the amplitude outlet of sigmund follows the envelope I set up for phasor~ (although it only ramps up to around 0.3, rather than 1, why is that?), but after it is finished, it returns again to the initial value (around .3), rather than remaining at zero, and I'm not sure why. Here is what I have set up:

    [t f b]
    | \____
    | \
    [phasor~] |
    | [0, 1 150, 0 1000 150(
    | /
    | [vline~]
    | /
    | /
    [*~ ]
    [sigmund~ notes env]
    | |
    [bang( [dbtorms]
    [0 \ <-------this value won't stay at 0 between notes

    Thanks for your help!

    posted in technical issues read more
  • skrame

    Hi everyone,

    This is my first post, and I'm new to both PD and DSP, so any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I set this up to test my first abstraction, and just sort of went mining for sounds. It resulted in some weird evolving tones, some are more pitchy others more noisy.

    The abstraction "chopper" just takes two floats as input, and outputs a list of numbers that are equally spaced between the two input values (the list includes the two input values as the first and last elements of the list). The number of divisions is determined by the creation argument, which sets the overall length of the output list. The argument can only be between 0 and 9 because of how the abstraction is set up (any thoughts on a practical way to expand this range?) The argument can also be changed via the third inlet. The fourth inlet takes values 0 or 1 to determine which of the first two inlets are hot. The graph-on-parent radio does the same thing.

    This patch uses "chopper" to control the partials of two tones, which are then multiplied together. So if the two input values are say 100 and 900, and the creation argument is 9, the output list is a harmonic series. Then if you move either the upper or lower value, you can kind of squish or stretch out the partials. Its really easy to get some noisy engine-like sounds.

    Anyway, I set up some preset values to check out. Or just play with the number boxes to hunt for more sounds. There isn't really any control set up around it so its just basically on or off right now. You can also mess with the filter settings in the filter sub-patch.

    Thanks for reading. Any suggestions/comments on either the patch or the abstraction are welcome!


    posted in patch~ read more
  • skrame

    Hi everyone,

    This is my first post, and I'm new to both PD and DSP, so any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I set this up to test my first abstraction, and just sort of went mining for sounds. It resulted in some weird evolving tones, some are more pitchy others more noisy.

    The abstraction "chopper" just takes two floats as input, and outputs a list of numbers that are equally spaced between the two input values (the list includes the two input values as the first and last elements of the list). The number of divisions is determined by the creation argument, which sets the overall length of the output list. The argument can only be between 0 and 9 because of how the abstraction is set up (any thoughts on a practical way to expand this range?) The argument can also be changed via the third inlet. The fourth inlet takes values 0 or 1 to determine which of the first two inlets are hot. The graph-on-parent radio does the same thing.

    This patch uses "chopper" to control the partials of two tones, which are then multiplied together. So if the two input values are say 100 and 900, and the creation argument is 9, the output list is a harmonic series. Then if you move either the upper or lower value, you can kind of squish or stretch out the partials. Its really easy to get some noisy engine-like sounds.

    Anyway, I set up some preset values to check out. Or just play with the number boxes to hunt for more sounds. There isn't really any control set up around it so its just basically on or off right now. You can also mess with the filter settings in the filter sub-patch.

    Thanks for reading. Any suggestions/comments on either the patch or the abstraction are welcome!


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  • skrame

    I'm on Windows 7 here. I'll try out [fiddle~] shortly. Thanks.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • skrame

    Thanks for the reply Maelstorm. I checked the patch again, and it seems to be set up in the same way as the diagram. What I'm seeing on my system now is that the amplitude outlet of [sigmund~] is showing wildly fluctuating values between 0 and 1 when it should (I think) be resting at zero after each note's envelope is complete. I'm wondering if there is something screwy with the audio on my computer or something. I've attached the patch and also a screenshot showing some values it was producing when run on my system. Also, when I created another [sigmund~] in the same patch without connecting a signal to it, its amplitude outlet was also spitting out the same fluctuating values, apparently in unison with the first sigmund (but the pitch outlet stayed at 0). Any thoughts?

    Thanks a lot!


    posted in technical issues read more
  • skrame

    Thanks for the reply Maelstorm. I checked the patch again, and it seems to be set up in the same way as the diagram. What I'm seeing on my system now is that the amplitude outlet of [sigmund~] is showing wildly fluctuating values between 0 and 1 when it should (I think) be resting at zero after each note's envelope is complete. I'm wondering if there is something screwy with the audio on my computer or something. I've attached the patch and also a screenshot showing some values it was producing when run on my system. Also, when I created another [sigmund~] in the same patch without connecting a signal to it, its amplitude outlet was also spitting out the same fluctuating values, apparently in unison with the first sigmund (but the pitch outlet stayed at 0). Any thoughts?

    Thanks a lot!


    posted in technical issues read more
  • skrame

    Thanks Maelstorm! Very helpful example, that's exactly what I needed. So much to learn! One (probably obvious) question: what is the "cyclone" part of [cyclone/prepend set]?

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