• siziw


    I'm trying to find a way of reading out specific points in online rendered gradients.

    I'm using [colorsquare] and basically want to read out a number of points spread inside this rectangle, e.g. 6 equally spaced points where I'd pick the local color, and later send it to a series of LEDs.

    Yes, you could say that is basically the same as reducing the resolution of the gradient (just taking a 2D line is fine with me) to, say 6 steps. But I'll be mixing colors in realtime creating various complex meshes. I guess I should make some way of reading out particular points in the array of that updated color mesh... Anyone who can help me with that?

    Thanks, siziw.

    (Pd extended 42.5, MacBookPro, OSX 10.6.8)

    posted in pixel# read more
  • siziw


    1- For conversion between colorspaces (hsv to rgb or vice-versa) you can use [hsv2rgb] and [rgb2hsv], which is I guess what Sumidero's second link suggests.

    2- I'm looking fo something similar, be it that I'm trying to find a way of reading out specific points in rendered gradients. I'm using [colorsquare] and basically want to read out a number of points spread in this rectangle, e.g. 6 equally spaced points where I'd pick the color, and later send it to a series of LEDs. Yes, you could say that is basically the same as reducing the resolution of the gradient (a 2D line is fine with me) to 6 steps. But I'll be mixing colors in realtime creating various complex meshes. I guess I should make some way of reading out particular points in the array of that updated color mesh... Anyone who can help me with that?

    Thanks, siziw.

    posted in technical issues read more

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