Hi, this is my little patch for doing a mix beetween two videos, done with Gem..
Who can tell me how to fix this little problem?
When the crossfader is showing the video on the left side, and in the while I load a video in the right side, the video that is playing freezes for a short time...
yeah.. I know that there's some project like this, but it's more exciting making YOUR patch!
first of all, thanks so much for interesting..
then.. I tried to send a "buffer 2" message to gemwin.. but it seems if doesn't fix the trouble...
which codec do you suggest to use? I'm using quicktime's mjpeg codec (.mov) and I think is a "light" codec for the cpu...tried on osx and slackware (..yes I LOVE slackware
..there's a more easy and efficient method :
-send a "border 0" message to "gemwin" (i think you guessed it up...)
-then a "offset -800 0" message to "gemwin" that puts the gem window 800 pixels left to the original position, if you set the second desktop at the left of the Main Desktop;for osx or windows, no problem; for linux search for Xinerama....-the last, but not the least: "dimen 800 600" message to gemwin to set the dimensions of gemWin....
Sorry for the poor english of a poor italian...