• seemikehack

    @mod Thanks for clearing that up! I guess I could have done the ol' try-it-and-see, now that I think about it...

    @ingox I think that certainly is more concise than banging a 0 through a select and letting the 1 from the toggle fall through the other side implicitly. Thanks for the input!

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  • seemikehack

    To be honest, this is such a simple abstraction that I wonder if there's some basic object that already does this that I don't know about or it's in some common external.

    The idea here is to take a bang as input and send it to either a left or right output based on a toggle switch. The use cases should be obvious, but for completeness, you could use this to swap between two melodic sequences, or to swap between a normally-advancing sequencer to a randomized sequencer that utilize the same input sequence.

    One question: in the attached patch, when you toggle the output in either direction, it looks like it takes an extra beat for the bangs to propagate at the chosen speed, that is to say, the bang object looks like it stays lit for 500ms rather than just 250ms. Is this just a visual artifact, or is something going on that I'm not accounting for?

    (edit: formatting)


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Internal error.

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