Yup, that's what missing. I don't know if it's possible to make a midi module, that takes just inputs and outputs midi. I already saw someone make a audio sequencer for a sample based drum machines, but I don't know if it's possible to make it midi...
(But you can bounce sounfiles, you have modules to do that
There's also Integra Live, that's more suited for Live Performance than recording (well, still can use audacity for that), buit it allows the user to build their own modules using PD, and also some in app scripting with a Lua implementation. That's pretty cool, been using it for several weeks and still trying to master it, but it works great, and that's nice to have pure data patches that can be transformed into nice GUI modules. BTW the software interface is modular, you patch modules to other modules, and it's totally free.
You could use LibPd to use Pure Data inside processing too
Use the pitch detector ([sigmund], i think), then use [ftom] to turn the frequency information into midi information, that should work
It worked, thanks =3
Have a nice day !
(tu es français ?) -
Oh, the bang wasn't there when the bug appeared, I put it here just to check the output of unpack. I put the $1 because I had a bug that told me "Value input is out of range" with the line, and it fixed the bug...
I'll try that though, thanks much
Hi ! I got a problem with a pretty simple patch, that's just a sequence of notes passing through 2 oscillators. I got the "signal outlet connected to nonsignal inlet" error, when I track the error it shows me the two multiply objects over the "*~ 0.7" object, I tried to change the line objects into line~ ones, but it still won't work.