• ryback3


    I'm planning to generate a sin tone in a given frequnecy and length then apply fade-in effect to beginning of this tone and fade-out effect to end of this tone. And finally save this tone to wav file. Is it possible with pure data? Is there any example?

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  • ryback3


    How can i add externals to my android or is project which use pd-android and pd-ios. I need add timreID external and iemlib external to my project.


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  • ryback3


    I'm looking for echo detection with pd. I found http://puredata.info/downloads/timbreid which performs cepstrum analysis. But i need some examples and autocepstrum methods. Is there anybody who has experience with echo detection.

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  • ryback3


    Is there any external object for cepstrum analysis? or any antorher way to make a cepstrum analysis?

    posted in patch~ read more
  • ryback3


    pd-for-android doesn't load iemlib as externals. How can i add iemlib objects to my android project

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  • ryback3


    I want to find peak frequency in a frequency interval like 2000hz-3000hz from adc.
    i tried :

    [lop~] --- [3000]
    [hip~] --- [2000]
    [sigmund~ -npeak 5 peaks]
    [route 0 1 2 3 4 5]
    [unpack 0 0 0 0 0]

    but i couldn't get success.

    How can i do this?


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  • ryback3

    I have a very simple sigmund patch.

    As [adc~]---[sigmund~ pitch]---[number].

    For example, with this patch number is 71.2 for 500hz external noise.
    How can i convert this 71.2 pitch value to frequency. What is this 71.2 value?


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  • ryback3


    I want to do a patch which detects pitch frequency from adc which is greater than 15000hz. Is there any sample for this situation? How can i do this patch?

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  • ryback3

    Thanks for your quick reply, i need also autocepstrum (autocorrelation of cepstrum), how can i do this with tId? And do you know how can i detect echo's with this library?

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  • ryback3

    Thank you very much for your answer, i used [hp10_butt~] and it filters audio. But now i have problems detecting peaks. I have peak freqs on 2500hz and 2600hz, they occurs seperately in a random time, i want only find these peaks when they occur. Sigmund detects many peaks between 2000-3000hz but it cannot always catch my expected peaks(2500hz and 2600hz). Is there any another efficient way of doing this? Thanks

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