• Ronkan

    Hello! I would like to implement my own biquad, and to do that I need a delay of one and two samples. How do I get a one delay sample? As I have understood from the manual the way to do that is to set [block~ 1] and then use [delwrite~] and [delread~] in some way that I haven't figured out yet. Isn't there an easier way?

    In jMax the way to do it is simply [delwrite~ del_name S 10] where the S stands for sample and I therefore get a delayline of 10 samples. Easy. Thats what I want to do in pd.

    Any help?


    posted in technical issues read more
  • Ronkan

    ok, but that is what I want to avoid. Specifying a delay of 1/44100=22.6757...microseconds feels quite inexact. How can I really be shure that I get one sample delay, it would depend on the roundoff in the time specified. I could get x[n] or x[n-1] depending on the accuracy of the delay. Hmm, do you get my point?? I guess that this is where [block~ 1] comes into the picture also.

    posted in technical issues read more
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