• rolfmeesters

    [textfile] sometimes gives immediately an end-of-file after opening a file for reading.
    at other times the same file opens ok.

    it happens with different files.

    i use [openpanel] -> [read $1 cr(
    and then [rewind(.

    inserting a [delay 5000] before the rewind seems of no influence.

    am i missing something?


    posted in technical issues 11 years agoread more
  • rolfmeesters

    when 'this-patch.pd' is opened, is there a way/external it can get it's own name ('this-patch') for example as a symbol, to send to a parent?


    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • rolfmeesters

    i found the 'solution'.
    my patch was like this:

    [t b b b]
    | | |
    | | [openpanel]
    | | |
    | | [read $1(
    | | |
    | | to textfile
    | |
    | [rewind(

    however the [openpanel] does not take part in the [trigger] philosophy;
    the next bang from the [trigger] does not wait for completion of that branch.

    putting the [trigger] after the [openpanel] and before the [read $1( solved it.

    posted in technical issues 11 years agoread more
  • rolfmeesters

    thnx for reacting

    windows & OS show the same behavior
    i'm using Pdext 42.5


    posted in technical issues 11 years agoread more
  • rolfmeesters

    big correction:
    in ubuntu 10.04 (lucid) + Pdext 0.43 the cursor still changes into the hand with the no-go sign, BUT it's possible to make connections.


    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • rolfmeesters

    i'm having this same problem of not being able to 'connect' objects, in every version of Ubuntu i tried - 8.10 , 9.10 , 10.04, 10.10.
    8.10 & 10.04 were fresh installs of Ubuntu.
    in Windows XP on the same machines Pd works smoothly.

    (with Pd-L2ork, only available for Ubuntu, this problem doesn't exist)


    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • rolfmeesters

    i'm having the same in Ubuntu 9.10 with Pd 0.41.4-1 installed from the repository.
    when trying to connect objects a small sign appears probably meaning 'not allowed'.

    playing patches made in Windows works well.


    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!