• robinhoode

    Hey all,

    I've been trying out vst~ with some free VSTs and I've found that certain ones cause unwanted clicks and clipping. I'm not sure if it's the VSTs themselves or the vst~ object, but the problem only comes up with VSTs that use a lot of reverb. And the problem doesn't come up when I load them into another host, like say Ableton. Anyone else come across this problem?


    • Robin

    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
  • robinhoode

    Ah, you know what, I tried adjusting the delay under audio settings but not the sample rate. That seemed to do the trick.


    • Robin

    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
  • robinhoode

    AFAIK this is just tanh(x*y*e).. Is that correct? I tried

    [osc~ 200]
    [expr~ tanh($v1*$v2*2.718)]

    and pretty much got the same thing. Where did you find this equation, by the way? I'm just finishing up calculus and would love to read more on this topic.


    • Robin

    posted in abstract~ 16 years agoread more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!