• roberto

    using pd-extended 0.38.4 os x:

    typing xgroove~ into an object box reliably crashes PD for me.
    any thoughts?


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  • roberto

    I'm having trouble with lop~ getting stuck putting out NaN. Is there a workaround, like filtering out the NaNs before and after lop~?

    only happens sometimes, but once it gets stuck, it stays stuck.

    (OS X pd 0.39-2)



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  • roberto


    another question...

    I'd like to record audio to a table some number of samples offset from the start.
    looks like tabwrite~ just starts at the beginning

    any suggestions for how to do this?



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  • roberto

    Hello, a medium-noob question:

    I'm trying to send a resize message to a table:
    which works if the table has a normal (global) name, but seems to not work if I name it $0-something:

    table $0-mytable

    $0-mytable resize $1

    any thoughts?


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  • roberto

    I am having luck with record~ from PD-extended.

    It takes start and stop times in ms in the second and third inlets. (divide sample by 44.1)
    still curious if there are other ways to do this.


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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!