• rewonder

    @rewonder Bng works! Is there some additional set of commands I don't have?

    posted in technical issues read more
  • rewonder

    @rewonder Update: Even bng doesn't work! Something's very wrong... :(

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  • rewonder

    Hi all,

    I'm on an intel Macbook Pro, running Mavericks or something. OS 10.9.5.
    I downloaded XQuartz to use X11 (same thing right? It solved half my problem...)

    I installed pd extended after using pd, and new functions didn't work cause I hadn't deleted the old preferences files. Then I did, uninstalled everything, reinstalled extended, and now only have one, called:


    and now Knob works! But randomF and Triplerandom don't. What is wrong? Help?

    Thanks all.

    posted in technical issues read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!