I am trying to make simple midifile player with qlist. But outcome from qlist is somewhat different than input.
I parse real midi file with SEQ, result:
http://paradise.untergrund.net/tmp/roinat/midiParsed.txtThen thru little c code that makes it qlist friendly:
http://paradise.untergrund.net/tmp/roinat/moi.txtI setted up simple qlist patch, receivers (note and velocity) are connected to
noteout. Output from midi is:
http://paradise.untergrund.net/tmp/roinat/output.txtVelocity behaviour on note off's is somewhat odd, any ideas what is causing this?
Anyone tried using externals with iOS version of Kalimba?
Externals work just fine with pure libPd, but when i try same with
Kalimba, it crashes in device at setup call ( external_setup(); ) -
Issue solved. I tried another approach and added velocity to same line than notes. Using noteOn and noteOff as receivers and then unpacking note and velocity data.